Monday, May 14, 2012


Lourdes with Carlos prepping for the pinata.

Carlos trying to take it down.

David getting ready to hit the pinata.

Vicky, Robbie (my soon to be brother in law), yah for the evolution of family!

The quiet before the storm.

Prep work on the california rolls.

Sofia takes her turn to get some candy.

Cecy, Lourdes and Vicky chatting it up with Grandma.

Is it dead?

It looks so pretty!

Great pick of Nonni (Vicky), Robbie, Rich and Cecy

Tony, really got creative and went full force with his turn.

David blowing bubbles with Emily in the background.

I can't see who's turn it was, but all good!

Grub cookers....Justin and Jimmy.  Thanks Jimmy you came in as Top Cook!

Tony is getting ready.

David and Emily.

Justin prepping the fire.

It's go time.

This was Kaya having a go.

Junior and Grandma chatting it up after eating....hold the salt please is what Junior said.

It was a great day.  There was so much great food, fantastic family all around and please Mom, next time hold the noise makers...otherwise you'll go on timeout.  Thank you all for sharing with us all such a great time!  Love you guys and see you very soon.

Kaya's B-day / Mother's Day Celebration

This past weekend was a time full of family fun in King City. Lots of kids hitting the pinata and full of candy and just a good time in general.